Frequently Asked Questions¶
I like the program. How can I donate / support it?¶
You can subscribe to my Patreon. Thank you.
Which technologies are used?¶
XL Converter was written in Python and PySide6. Image processing is done via libjxl, libavif (AOM AV1), and ImageMagick.
How will I know the conversion was successful?¶
The program will notify you when something goes wrong.
What will happen if “Delete Original” is enabled and the conversion fails?¶
The original image will stay intact. There are safety mechanisms.
The program doesn’t do what I need.¶
Try XnViewMP (Ctrl + U opens the converter). It’s better suited for advanced tasks. Generated PNG images can be used with XL Converter.
Where are config files located?¶
Windows (installer):
Windows (portable):
Where is the temp directory located?¶
XL Converter uses the output directory as the temp location.
What are the “tmp_” files in the output directory?¶
Those are temporary files. You may see them left over from canceled or failed conversions. You can safely remove them.
What is XL Converter, who made it, and when?¶
XL Converter is an image converter focused on technologies with high compression ratio. The program can encode JPEG XL, AVIF, JPEG (with JPEGLI), WebP, and PNG. It’s a popular choice for Lossless JPEG Transcoding.
XL Converter was created entirely by one programmer – me. You can call me Jacob.
The first public version was published in August 2023. The program was frequently worked on ever since.
Is XL Converter safe?¶
The source code is publicly available (and auditable).
Every release is scanned with multiple Anti-Viruses.
XL Converter has been out since August 2023. Hundreds of people trust it.
Please, make sure you are downloading XL Converter from the official website. Downloading software via unofficial means can be unsafe.
False positives are rare, but may happen – here is why.
Regarding VirusTotal, false positives are very common when only up to 4 engines flag a file as malicious. Please make sure the engines you believe aren’t notorious for false positives. Some engines on VirusTotal are poor quality.